Saturday, September 4, 2010

I have watched my mother-in-law prepare Auflauf (German potato casserole) twice when I and my son were staying with them in Germany. However, it took me awhile to get the courage to cook this.

Well, my courage paid off. I was able to capture the taste (with a slight variation) of my MIL's auflauf. My MIL doesn't put cheese in her Auflauf since my father-in-law hates all kinds of cheese.  My husband, on the other hand, likes cheese so much we had cheese fondue a lot of times over the winter (think closed windows and smelly cheese).  After seeing me share this recipe with a highschool friend, he encouraged me to put this on my blog. And so here it is.

I should warn though that the measurement of the ingredients was not exact. I sort of just estimated the quantity based on the size of my casserole dish (15x22 cm), which is for one (kung matakaw) to two persons.


5 or 6 medium sized potatoes
sour cream
50 g smoked bacon bits
75 g schinkenknacker, chopped (it's a german sausage, the literal translation is ham cracker...i think you can substitute it with a spicy sausages or ham)
1 medium white onion, chopped
grated cheese
bread crumbs
salt and pepper

1. Boil the potatoes with skin on until almost cooked (around 20 minutes)
2. Pre-heat oven at 200°C
3. grease the dish with butter
4. Peal the potatoes, slice them horizontally (around 2-3 mm thick) and line them on the dish, overlapping each slice until the dish is fully covered
5. Sprinkle with salt and pepper
6. Scatter the onion, bacon and sausages over the potatoes
7. Cover with sour cream
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5
9. Pour a little amount of melted butter
10. Top with grated cheese
11. Sprinkle with bread crumbs
12. Bake for around 40 minutes at 200°C