Monday, April 11, 2011

Kitchen Adventures

Lately, I have been posting recipes of the meals that I prepared for my family. This blog is not going to be transformed into a food blog although I just wanted to share my "little triumphs" in the kitchen as part of my daily life as a stay-at-home mom and wife.

I count all the meals that I prepare as "little triumphs" because for someone who, for most of her life, believed that she cannot cook, these simple but delicious meals (delicious according to my loving husband) are truly something to be proud of. I have also taken note of my growing confidence in the kitchen. When I first started cooking two years ago, I always chose the easiest recipes to cook and follow them to the letter. Now, I have enough confidence to not completely follow a recipe by changing/substituting an ingredient or two and, sometimes, even using a different technique found in another recipe.

But beyond my growing confidence in the kitchen, what I found amazing about myself is the realization that I enjoy cooking when before I couldn't be bothered.  I also enjoy my kitchen adventures aka disasters like the time I had to redo my batter for crispy chicken strips since the consistency did not match the one I saw on the recipe I was following. It turned out I put 8 scoops of flour since the recipe said 8 tbsp. but I forgot that I was using a 2 tbps. measuring spoon. Yes, there were days when I feel too lazy to cook but most times I enjoy cooking especially when I see the appreciation and enjoyment on my husband's face while he eats.

Last week, Michael told me that his workmates suggested I should try selling my food to the students at the University after smelling (smelling!) Michael's lunch that he was reheating in the microwave. Wow! That is really funny and ironic. The woman who was always a disaster in the kitchen is suddenly cooking for profit. haha!

Seriously, though, I don't think I am that confident yet to do this. Maybe in a few years when people other than my husband and son have tried my food.

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